We're making progress on a few projects around here -
The fabric is all picked out for Mike's bedspread, and the basic idea for the pattern/placement is coming together. It's still a work in progress, and after having cut out all those squares, I realized they needed to be bigger (off to Joann's tomorrow for more fabric and cutting blades), but you get the basic idea.

The tomatoes are starting to kick into high gear and get producing. This year, Nathan finally understands that we only eat red tomatoes and that the green ones are yucky. Finally.

The zinnias are *just* starting to bloom. When there is more than just one half-opened flower, I'll post pictures.
Perhaps most importantly, Nathan wore his big-boy undies to church today, meaning he only wears diapers at night these days. Hooray! Let's hear it for being *almost* done with potty training! And my budget rejoices as well :)
Now off to my favorite Sunday project - naptime :)